
Buy Then Build

Buy Then Build by Walker Deibel

Buy Then Build: How Acquisition Entrepreneurs Outsmart the Startup Game by Walker Deibel focuses on the idea of an acquisition entrepreneur. It took me far too long to read this book as I was only reading it during my coffee breaks sporadically.

HEVC Windows 10 Issues Are Stupid

HEVC Windows issues are stupid and make no sense. You may or may not have heard of this new HEVC video codec that a lot of drones, phones and newer camera's record their video in.
Random Adult

Introducing Random Adult Starting 2020 Fresh

Random Adult was born from a simple gift of a domain of the same name. A buddy of mine pointed out that my digitalchild blog was close to 10 years old.
Cookie Recipe

Easy Cookie Recipe – Peanut Butter, Walnuts and Choc-chips in 13 Steps

This cookie recipe is one I used to make a very long time ago. I bought 1kg of walnuts recently when I needed them for another recipe.

My Easy 11 Step No-Bake Cheesecake [Oreo Edition]

I've been making this no-bake cheesecake recipe for over 20 years in various forms. My two main versions either use an Oreo base or a plain biscuit base.

3 Reasons Apple Music is Terrible

As a long-time Apple user, I'll usually try their products at some point. I've been using Apple music for a couple of months now and I have to say, it's kind of terrible.

Fix Undefined index: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO with WP-CLI

Are you running your WordPress install behind an SSL proxy or load balancer like HAProxy? You may also be running WP-CLI on the internal site.

Dual Sim iPhone 11 Pro Service Issues

For those of you who know me, you'll know that I can push my hardware to the limits and often passed those limits. The brand new dual sim iPhone 11 Pro I just bought is no different.

Thoughts on the Impossible Burger

I'm on a business trip to Hong Kong at the moment and I had a chance to try the Impossible Burger. I've been following the development of this product and other similar ones such as those from Beyond Meat.

Quick Snack Bites Recipe

The following is a quick recipe for making a date based snack bite that super easy to make. With just six ingredients and a food processor, you can make a tasty snack that you can keep in your fridge.