
This cookie recipe is one I used to make a very long time ago. I bought 1kg of walnuts recently when I needed them for another recipe. Leaving me with a giant bag of leftover walnuts. I decided to pull this recipe from the archives and get to work. I’m going to try and brain […]

I’ve been making this no-bake cheesecake recipe for over 20 years in various forms. My two main versions either use an Oreo base or a plain biscuit base. I will sometimes add various fruit to the cheese but that’s about it. This recipe is the Oreo base version. It’s quick, tasty and requires no baking. […]

As a long-time Apple user, I’ll usually try their products at some point. I’ve been using Apple music for a couple of months now and I have to say, it’s kind of terrible. There are so many things wrong with this service that I find myself going back to my old archive of music sitting […]

Are you running your WordPress install behind an SSL proxy or load balancer like HAProxy? You may also be running WP-CLI on the internal site. To get SSL to pass-through correctly a lot of sites have outlined that you need to add the following code to your wp-config.php Although this is almost correct, the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO […]

For those of you who know me, you’ll know that I can push my hardware to the limits and often passed those limits. The brand new dual sim iPhone 11 Pro I just bought is no different. Not 24 hours after purchasing it did I already start to have issues with it. Dual Sim iPhone? […]

I’m on a business trip to Hong Kong at the moment and I had a chance to try the Impossible Burger. I’ve been following the development of this product and other similar ones such as those from Beyond Meat. Unfortunately, I live in Vietnam which means getting access to cool new food tech isn’t something […]

The following is a quick recipe for making a date based snack bite that super easy to make. With just six ingredients and a food processor, you can make a tasty snack that you can keep in your fridge. Ingredients 220 grams pitted dates 50 grams of crunchy peanut butter 30 grams of chocolate (can […]

If you’re hosting your email with Microsoft’s Office 365 service, you may be using shared mailboxes. You should if you aren’t, they’re a great way to create email addresses that don’t consume a license. Shared mailboxes can also be shared. The Problem I have a quite a few domains added to my Office 365 account […]

I’ve been trialing Ubuntu 19.04 on my Dell XPS15 for the last couple of weeks and I was wanting to use an external mouse with the machine. I dug around in my drawers and found an unused Magic Mouse 2 not being used. I turned on Bluetooth and was able to quickly connect the device. […]

We’re in full swing winter mode over here in Brisbane. Well as winter as you can get in Brisbane with a daily average of 15 degrees celsius. Lately I’ve been making soups and other wintery food. I had a lot of broccoli in my fridge and decided to use this as a soup base. I […]