
Food Preparation

Eating healthy sometimes isn't easy but there are some simple things you can do to eat well is to get on top of your food preparation. I've always cooked most of my meals and as I've got older my free time has gotten shorter. I live with someone who is even more health conscious than myself and he prepares all his meals...

Quinoa Protein Cookies (Attempt One)

I've wanted to make a gluten free cookie for a while and so I checked my cupboard to see what I had and came up with the following. I make all my food and I don't have many snacks and decided to make my own. My snacks need to be something that is healthy that I can make and tastes good.

Time Lapse Time

Time lapses have been something that have always fascinated me and I love some of the sequences people have created. After hanging out with my buddy and discussing time lapses I thought I would give it a go.

One Location – Two Views

I spent some time down in Byron Bay with my best friend over the weekend and I took my camera with me. These were taken from the same bridge facing north and south just after midnight on Monday.

Programming Sucks – Peter Welch

I spend a lot of time on the Internet, its part of my job. I look after servers, write software and do all kinds of 'Internet things' for work, play and just plain curiosity.

Heartbleed Vulnerability and Wordpress

Unless you've been under a rock for the last day and a half you would have heard something about the latest OpenSSL vulnerability called Heartbleed. This article is going to help anyone that cares about the heartbleed vulnerability and Wordpress SSL.

Wordpress Plugins I Recommend

I've been working and developing websites with Wordpress since version 1.5 and before that I was using b2. Wordpress has come along way from a blogging platform to a very powerful content management system.

Oven Roasted Kale Crusted Freshwater Trout

People that know me know that I like to eat healthy and a lot of people asked me for my recipes. After posting a prep photo on Facebook of my dinner the other night I had a few people ask me for this recipe.Oven Roasted Kale Crusted Freshwater Trout served with steamed sweet potato and broccoli.Prep Time: 10 mins Cooking...

Active Directory Authentication with CentOS

Active directory authentication for CentOS is quite easy to configure. Active directory is a central authentication system and organisations all over the world have relied on it for years.