Oven Roasted Kale Crusted Freshwater Trout

Freshwater TroutPeople that know me know that I like to eat healthy and a lot of people asked me for my recipes. After posting a prep photo on Facebook of my dinner the other night I had a few people ask me for this recipe.

Oven Roasted Kale Crusted Freshwater Trout served with steamed sweet potato and broccoli.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 25 mins

Ingredients – Serves 2 men or 4 Tiny people

Main dish 

  • 4 Freshwater Trout fillets (roughly 120grams per fillet)Nutritional Information Panel
  • Half a bunch of Kale
  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of organic olive oil
  • 2 Tablespoons of ghee
  • 3 tablespoons of chives
  • 1 container of grape tomatoes
  • Salt & Pepper to season


Pre-heat the over to 170C for fan forced , adjust for your oven as you’ll know it best. 

Step 1. Remove the kale leaves from the stalks and dice into smallish pieces (roughly 1cm square). This will make sure it gives a good coverage. Put this into a bowl and squeeze half the lemon over, add the olive oil, salt and pepper to taste then stir it through. Put this to the side.

Step 2. Dice the tomatoes and the chives and mix together on the chopping board.

Step 3. Get an oven tray and tear sheets of baking paper big enough to make a pouch to put this in. You want to simulate one fish per pouch so you will be using 2 fillets in each. Fold the sheets in half as this makes it easy to find the centre and keep the paper in order. 

Step 4. Grab a handful of the kale mix and place it in the centre of each make sure its enough to place the first fillet on. 

Step 5. Place the fillet skin down on the kale and make sure there is about a 1 centimetre border of kale around the fillet. 

Step 6. Get the tomato and chives mix and spread it evenly over the fillet. Place one tablespoon of ghee on top of the mix. 

Step 7. Place the second fillet on top of the first one skin up. Cover over with more kale mix to close it in. Squeeze some lemon juice over and close up the pouch. Fold the ends in first to make sure none of the juices escape. 

Step 8. These go in the oven for 25 minutes. 


  • Half a large gold sweet potato
  • Half a head of broccoli


Step 1. Peel and dice the sweet potato into cubes, size is up to you but I go for roughly 1-2 centimetre cubes. Put this in one part of your steamer. 

Step 2. Cut up the broccoli into pieces you’re happy with again, this is up to you. Put this in another part of your steamer. 

Step 3. Ten minutes after the fish went into the oven put the sweet potato on only. 

Step 4. With five minutes left put the broccoli on. You don’t want it over steamed. 


Once the fish has been in the oven for the required time pull it out and check that it has cooked through, you’ll be able to tell by easily pushing a skewer through it. Leave it in the pouch but trim the paper just enough to keep the juices in and put it on the plate. Portion out the sweet potato and broccoli and it is ready to eat. 

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