Tag: windows 10

  • Adobe Creative Suite Alternatives in 2022

    Adobe Creative Suite Alternatives in 2022

    After many years of paying for my Adobe subscription, I decided to see what Adobe Creative Suite alternatives were available. The reason I cancelled was mostly due to the fact I wasn’t utilising the applications, the outrageous costs and their products no longer living up to expectations. The cost benefit ratio for using the Adobe…

  • HEVC Windows 10 Issues Are Stupid

    HEVC Windows 10 Issues Are Stupid

    HEVC Windows issues are stupid and make no sense. You may or may not have heard of this new HEVC video codec that a lot of drones, phones and newer camera’s record their video in. It’s been a long time since I’ve needed to check if my hardware was good enough to playback a video…

  • How to have Office 365 Shared Mailbox with Multiple Domains

    How to have Office 365 Shared Mailbox with Multiple Domains

    If you’re hosting your email with Microsoft’s Office 365 service, you may be using shared mailboxes. You should if you aren’t, they’re a great way to create email addresses that don’t consume a license. Shared mailboxes can also be shared. The Problem I have a quite a few domains added to my Office 365 account…