Category: Geek

WordPress site management

WordPress Site Management Made Easy

How I do my WordPress site management? This is a question I am often asked and I thought it was time that I write a post about it. I have been building and managing WordPress sites for a very long time. Over the years, there are a few things that have always been present in my workflow.

Ultimate Developer Workspace: My Setup for 2024

Join me as I unveil my ultimate developer workspace for 2024. Discover how I've transformed a basic setup into a cosy, productivity-boosting environment from tech to ergonomics.
man in black crew neck t-shirt smiling

Google cloud scheduler status: Unauthenticated [Solved]

I have been struggling for a couple of days working with Google Cloud Scheduler and Cloud functions for a project I'm working on. I've been working with functions for a while now.
a computer screen with a program running on it

Install Google Cloud CLI on Debian 12

If you're anything like me, and you go for bleeding edge releases to see what they're like, there can be some drawbacks. The biggest being there is close to no updated documentation when trying to install common packages.

Installing Dropbox on Red Hat 9 [SOLVED]

Welcome back to the world of Red Hat and enterprise Linux and dependencies you don't get in server software but you do in other distributions, like Fedora or Ubuntu. Installing Dropbox on Red Hat has a few command line steps and some compile time.

Universal Control Logitech Scroll Wheel [Fixed]

This article will outline how to fix Universal control Logitech scroll wheel not working on other devices. Apple introduced a new feature in Monterey 12.3 called Universal Control.
Adobe Creative Suite Alternatives in 2022

Adobe Creative Suite Alternatives in 2022

After many years of paying for my Adobe subscription, I decided to see what Adobe Creative Suite alternatives were available. The reason I cancelled was mostly due to the fact I wasn't utilising the applications, the outrageous costs and their products no longer living up to expectations.
Disable WooCommerce Setup Wizard

Disable WooCommerce Setup Wizard

Need to Disable WooCommerce Setup Wizard? Keep reading.

HEVC Windows 10 Issues Are Stupid

HEVC Windows issues are stupid and make no sense. You may or may not have heard of this new HEVC video codec that a lot of drones, phones and newer camera's record their video in.

3 Reasons Apple Music is Terrible

As a long-time Apple user, I'll usually try their products at some point. I've been using Apple music for a couple of months now and I have to say, it's kind of terrible.