Tag: centos

In my previous article I outlined how to get Ruby installed via RedHat Software Collections (SCL) and this works for basic ruby commands until I tried to install my backup gem. I got an install error when trying to build the native extensions.
I wanted to cut the amount of repositories that my systems were running and I recently came across Red Hats Software Collections (SCL). Software collections is a relatively new system that allows you to run some newer versions of popular packages including ruby, php, postgreSQL and more.
Active directory authentication for CentOS is quite easy to configure. Active directory is a central authentication system and organisations all over the world have relied on it for years.
I was configuring a new CentOS 6.5 machine to accept Active Directory logins and up until recently you could use the trust pam_mkhomedir.so to auto create home directories on login. This has since been replaced by a new system called Oddjobd and after the standard authconfig tool I enabled the auto create home directories and then Oddjobd fails to start.
I have a couple of file servers in my network running Samba 3.6 as member servers. Something that you would want to get going at some point is syncing the UID/GID across the machines so that if you want to move the data around the uids/gids are the same.