Category: Tip

  • Installing Dropbox on Red Hat 9 [SOLVED]

    Installing Dropbox on Red Hat 9 [SOLVED]

    Welcome back to the world of Red Hat and enterprise Linux and dependencies you don’t get in server software but you do in other distributions, like Fedora or Ubuntu. Installing Dropbox on Red Hat has a few command line steps and some compile time. Due to the fact that this is server software and you…

  • My Easy System to Beat Jetlag in 2020

    My Easy System to Beat Jetlag in 2020

    I have a simple system to beat jetlag that I have been using for close to 20 years now. It takes some preparation and will to adjust your clock, but it works. Desynchronosis is the medical term for jetlag. It simple terms, your body clock is out of sync. Your body thinks you’re in one…

  • Jabra Elite Problem, 1 Reason Not to Buy

    Jabra Elite Problem, 1 Reason Not to Buy

    The Jabra Elite Problem can’t be fixed. After 2 years I’ve been unable to fix the low volume issue. You won’t believe the response I got from Jabra support.

  • OS X Mobile Account Admin Off Network Fix

    I came across an issue with one of my mobile users that was unable to get admin access off network. As soon as they connected to the corporate network their admin rights would return. I did a bit of searching and found this post on the Centrify forums about the issue.  Turns out that it has something…

  • Gems when using Ruby via Software Collections

    In my previous article I outlined how to get Ruby installed via RedHat Software Collections (SCL) and this works for basic ruby commands until I tried to install my backup gem. I got an install error when trying to build the native extensions. This guide will show you how to install gems when using ruby…

  • Centos 6.5 and Ruby 1.9.3 via Software Collections

    I wanted to cut the amount of repositories that my systems were running and I recently came across Red Hats Software Collections (SCL). Software collections is a relatively new system that allows you to run some newer versions of popular packages including ruby, php, postgreSQL and more. I needed a newer version of Ruby (1.9.3) for…

  • Synology FTP with an Airport Extreme Firewall

    If you have read some of my other posts you’d know that I’ve got a couple of Network Attached Storage devices from QNAP and Synology. I’ve settled on using the Synology as my primary array with the QNAP as a backup. I recently moved into a new apartment with 100mbit fibre Internet and this has…

  • Food Preparation

    Eating healthy sometimes isn’t easy but there are some simple things you can do to eat well is to get on top of your food preparation. I’ve always cooked most of my meals and as I’ve got older my free time has gotten shorter. I live with someone who is even more health conscious than myself and…

  • WordPress Plugins I Recommend

    I’ve been working and developing websites with WordPress since version 1.5 and before that I was using b2. WordPress has come along way from a blogging platform to a very powerful content management system. I’ve used WordPress to build catalog sites, e-commerce sites and even an ebay/etsy like market place. Some people like to have…

  • Cisco SRP527W Setup & Users

    The other night I was helping a friend out and they needed a better adsl router/wireless router and I happened to have one of these Cisco SRP527W units at home. It’s a good little set and forget device (when they behave) so I thought I’d install that. A few things that I had forgotten about…