Category: Geek

Centos 6.5 and Ruby 1.9.3 via Software Collections

I wanted to cut the amount of repositories that my systems were running and I recently came across Red Hats Software Collections (SCL). Software collections is a relatively new system that allows you to run some newer versions of popular packages including ruby, php, postgreSQL and more.

Raspberry Pi Camera Module Samples

After getting the wireless network card working on my raspberry pi I got straight to work on testing out the camera module on the pi. I found a lot of websites talking about how the module works and how to hook it up.

Raspberry Pi + Asus N10 wireless

I've finally got some time to do some work on my time-lapse project when I hit a brick wall straight off the bat. My $15 tiny wireless adaptor from Asus wasn't working so I did some digging to try to work out what was going on. I first tried to use the GUI WiFi Config and it was able to detect...

Synology FTP with an Airport Extreme Firewall

If you have read some of my other posts you'd know that I've got a couple of Network Attached Storage devices from QNAP and Synology. I've settled on using the Synology as my primary array with the QNAP as a backup.

Nginx Rewrite Rule for Html Files

I've recently switched to using nginx + php-fpm + mariaDB for the backend running this WordPress blog and running it on a micro instance on amazon web services. I did this because I wanted to learn some newer technologies and see how they differ from the standard LAMP setup that I'm so familiar with.

Programming Sucks – Peter Welch

I spend a lot of time on the Internet, its part of my job. I look after servers, write software and do all kinds of 'Internet things' for work, play and just plain curiosity.

Heartbleed Vulnerability and Wordpress

Unless you've been under a rock for the last day and a half you would have heard something about the latest OpenSSL vulnerability called Heartbleed. This article is going to help anyone that cares about the heartbleed vulnerability and Wordpress SSL.

Wordpress Plugins I Recommend

I've been working and developing websites with Wordpress since version 1.5 and before that I was using b2. Wordpress has come along way from a blogging platform to a very powerful content management system.

Active Directory Authentication with CentOS

Active directory authentication for CentOS is quite easy to configure. Active directory is a central authentication system and organisations all over the world have relied on it for years.

Cisco SRP527W Setup & Users

The other night I was helping a friend out and they needed a better adsl router/wireless router and I happened to have one of these Cisco SRP527W units at home. It's a good little set and forget device (when they behave) so I thought I'd install that.