Tag: recipe

This is a recipe I’ve made on and off over the years that is a crowd favourite. I had promised my wife I’d cook this for the last couple of days, and finally got around to making it. Equipment Meatball Ingredients Sauce Ingredients  Making the meatballs Making the Sauce Notes Conclusion I hadn’t made this recipe in […]

I’ve been trying to get this banana bread recipe right ever since I tried a piece of banana bread at one of my local cafe’s years ago. Their bread was not too sweet, extremely moist and just generally tasted amazing. I think I have finally gotten the recipe right. This banana bread recipe is so […]

This is my quick Mi Goreng wonton noodles recipe that I have made since my university days. This doesn’t take long to make, so long as you have all the ingredients on hand it takes less than 20 mins. If you want you can actually create ready to go frozen packages of all the fresh […]

This cookie recipe is one I used to make a very long time ago. I bought 1kg of walnuts recently when I needed them for another recipe. Leaving me with a giant bag of leftover walnuts. I decided to pull this recipe from the archives and get to work. I’m going to try and brain […]

I’ve been making this no-bake cheesecake recipe for over 20 years in various forms. My two main versions either use an Oreo base or a plain biscuit base. I will sometimes add various fruit to the cheese but that’s about it. This recipe is the Oreo base version. It’s quick, tasty and requires no baking. […]

The following is a quick recipe for making a date based snack bite that super easy to make. With just six ingredients and a food processor, you can make a tasty snack that you can keep in your fridge. Ingredients 220 grams pitted dates 50 grams of crunchy peanut butter 30 grams of chocolate (can […]

We’re in full swing winter mode over here in Brisbane. Well as winter as you can get in Brisbane with a daily average of 15 degrees celsius. Lately I’ve been making soups and other wintery food. I had a lot of broccoli in my fridge and decided to use this as a soup base. I […]

I’ve decided to make myself some organic breakfast juice so that I can get some extra nutrients while my body recovers from the last stint in hospital. I grabbed a bunch of different organic fruits and vegetables from my local markets for the ingredients and it tastes great! This is super easy to make and […]

I have wanted to try out a gluten free alternative to one of my favourite cakes (banana cake) and finally got the chance to do it. I had too many banana’s in my freezer and a surprising amount of coconut flour. So I thought I would put something together and see how it turned out. Serves […]

This is a nice simple banana coconut and chia pudding that I like to make. It only takes a few minutes to prepare and then you can leave it in the fridge overnight or for a couple of days. I make enough to get 4-5 serves from a single batch. It’s delicious, quick and easy. Serves […]